Quality Reps
"Quality reps, Mehar, keep 'em quality. Every rep counts. Don't give shitty reps. Don't sacrifice form for good morning speed." Steve...
83 & Counting
Over the past few years, the sport of powerlifting has been increasing in popularity. What was once an image of a 300 plus pound man...
Maximizing Your Deadlifts with This Hook Grip Transition Plan
Have you been missing heavy deadlift attempts solely on grip? Are you having trouble getting your back into a neutral position right from...
Injury Free : Powerlifters
Keep this in mind , “Rome was not built in a day ”. Of course we all want those massive PRs and see those numbers climb from days, to...
Are you doing these ?
Sometimes its the small little things that make or break that last rep , a PR on gamed or even overall confidence. I want to talk about a...
Pro's & Con's - Use of Straps in Training
Straps are a great training tool to have but can also be a crutch in many ways. I am going to outline a few pro's and con's and talk...
Training Variation - Beginner Powerlifter Focus
" Training Variation " , seems to only be looked at from the exercise selection perspective. Many coaches seem to fire out so many...
What should you do post powerlifting competition ? The three major questions that should be addresse
Leading up to a competition , you may have been prepping for weeks or maybe even months. Many questions may be popping up in your head of...
Manipulating Training Variables For Success : Beginner
Whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete , in order to progress appropiately without injury , get one step closer to your goal and...
Program Design : Assisting Athletes To The Next Level
Let me start by saying there is no " ONE PROGRAM FITS ALL" out there. You may have used another workout plan / program in the past that...